The sunsets have been a relief to the heat during these past weeks...this was taken by Lucy right above our house Audrey ready for high school Chester ready for 6th grade Mom ready to have a college aged child her senior sunset with family Lucy was invited to attend a zoom senior awards ceremony and was recognized for: Honors award (GPA award for having a 4.0 or higher for her entire high school career) She graduates with a 4.4 cumulative. Spanish Honor Society with a certificate for biliteracy! Inspirational Athlete of the Year ( a big deal!) (her name will be on the wall in the canyon gym...forever!) So we rewarded her in style with a trip to Wendy's for a round of frosties and fries :) trying on her cap "who decided that these look good?" Onto Audrey's drop off of books and pick up for her final 8th grade week! This smile is classic Audrey :) buh bye Sierra Vista not going to miss it at all! They were given these tee shirts so I had her stop and take some pictu...