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Showing posts from May, 2019

Almost Summer

This quiet house won't be very quiet anymore come next week. School will be out and I am dying as much  as the kids are for some freedom! pause the only room I have kind of made ours in the house so far (although we would like to demolish that brown hearth) the boys have been living in a torn out office this year so i think it is high time to get this project done my other project for summer is to turn this other office spot  (how many did the previous owner have?  4 in fact, haha, no idea why) into a reading nook and guest bed area I'm excited :) my sewing space is done as well and I have my good husband to thank for, I want to make stuff too.  Summer is looking industrious for me.  That is if the heat  doesn't sap me of all motivation. Likely outcome though:) I keep asking the kids what they want to do this summer.  Sigh.  It looks like I'll just have to TELL them what to...


A different Sunday update post (sorry no fun remodeling, more like ridiculous modeling) I am using it as an assignment of sorts.  A report for myself.  Maybe even a confession :) But I thought, this was the exercise I needed. Clay and I have been taking a personal finance course in our stake organization through church. We meet each Sunday afternoon for 2 hours. I will admit, this is one of my favorite things I have ever participated in.  Who knew? I call it my personal church.  There are 10 of us from all different places in our life with one goal. To improve. When the class was announced a few months ago,  I had this thought come to me that I needed this.  And Clay was down with it, so here we are on week 8. It's not all about finances though.  It gets to the root of things and so much of it(for me) is to assess where I am at.  Okay, so last week we did a survey. Here were the questions y ou answer w...