This quiet house won't be very quiet anymore come next week. School will be out and I am dying as much as the kids are for some freedom! pause the only room I have kind of made ours in the house so far (although we would like to demolish that brown hearth) the boys have been living in a torn out office this year so i think it is high time to get this project done my other project for summer is to turn this other office spot (how many did the previous owner have? 4 in fact, haha, no idea why) into a reading nook and guest bed area I'm excited :) my sewing space is done as well and I have my good husband to thank for, I want to make stuff too. Summer is looking industrious for me. That is if the heat doesn't sap me of all motivation. Likely outcome though:) I keep asking the kids what they want to do this summer. Sigh. It looks like I'll just have to TELL them what to...