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Showing posts from April, 2018

New Chapters to Come!

dandelions galore next door :) It's a new chapter for us.  Deep breath Jennifer Clay accepted a job offer with a new company! I am so excited for him and this opportunity for our family  he keeps saying...."and so it begins" -a famous quote from the Lord of the Rings movie before a massive war is waged :0 so, that's helping...hahaha with this new job we will be leaving spring snowstorms behind I might actually miss them As always, we are still working hard on the Milkbarn i might miss all this work Lucy is learning to drive (and so it begins...hahaha)   i won't miss driving her to early morning seminary our middle school had a showcase night for the kids to show us what they have been working on... Audrey took us straight to her math class! I love their school! I will miss some really great teachers here after visiting his LA class, Henry showcased his locker to us... so that's where ALL of th...

Santa Fe or Bust! 2018 Spring Break

Awe!  Spring Break came and went but here is the recap for memories sake.  I will say, we all looked forward to warmer temps and new adventures! First stop: McDonalds for breakfast in Castle Rock This has become a tradition as we leave on roadtrips.  I swear, it's like a 3 star michelin experience for them. And me? I worked the breakfast shift at mickey d's in high school, so I'm a fan! morning mural photoshoot :) stopping in Trinidad to document how windy it was.  Lot's of campers and semi's tipped over northbound. It was insane. We arrived in Santa Fe for a couple of days. We hit the Georgia O'Keefe museum Friday afternoon. It's a beautiful space and they change the paintings. So it was all new work to experience. The kids got paper and pencils for sketching as well. gosh, I loved these this was one of my favorites scrambling around downtown Santa Fe Did you know the streets th...