dandelions galore next door :) It's a new chapter for us. Deep breath Jennifer Clay accepted a job offer with a new company! I am so excited for him and this opportunity for our family he keeps saying...."and so it begins" -a famous quote from the Lord of the Rings movie before a massive war is waged :0 so, that's helping...hahaha with this new job we will be leaving spring snowstorms behind I might actually miss them As always, we are still working hard on the Milkbarn i might miss all this work Lucy is learning to drive (and so it begins...hahaha) i won't miss driving her to early morning seminary our middle school had a showcase night for the kids to show us what they have been working on... Audrey took us straight to her math class! I love their school! I will miss some really great teachers here after visiting his LA class, Henry showcased his locker to us... so that's where ALL of th...