Chester turned 12! I took some photos of him a week before to document him :) We are here at our 4 acre wood in Montara...of course he loves it out there! His birthday fell on a Saturday with a home game for the Coastside Cougar football team! He was in heaven. #87 had a couple of tackles, a sack and caught a fantastic pass and "stiff armed" some kids getting down the field for some yardage :) There is a lot of of "mom, did you see me when I ....?" We knew he would love football :) I made some brownie cupcakes for the team after the game for a bday celebration :) After the game his request was to go to the Crepevine for lunch. He ate half of that burger, haha. But this birthday crepe was finished off :) It was a good day! Back in August we celebrated Henry's birthday at Paul and Janet's. We made him his favorite cake and Paul whipped up some delicious pizzas for him out back. He met up with old friends in Boulder and shopped with Lucy and Mackenzie....