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Viva la 50!

Well, I turned the BIG 5-0

We walked over to the Miramar Beach Restaurant for dinner and family time.
Meanwhile...I had 2 whole cakes waiting for me ate home courtesy of Clay.
 I think that is the last time he does a cake buffet:)
It was a lot of cake but it was definitely delicious and definitely eaten!
Thank you my love

Lucy was home for spring break, so everyone together:)
we got a nice little private room at the restaurant
voila! no masks!

I'm not quite sure why I was so anxious about turning 50.
 But I spent the day reflecting on these past decades of mine.
 I felt proud of the progress I have made over the years. 
Which, was a blessing since most of the time I wonder what I am even doing with my life :)

With Lucy at the helm, the kids made a trip to Burlingame Avenue for presents:)

Chester picked out this bouquet from a florist :)

Just 4 candles and not 50 :)

I found some pictures and put them together with music.
 I liked how each decade had a theme in my adult life. 
How appropriate for me since I am not that great with muli-tasking!

My birthday felt perfect and looking back was a blessing for me. 
2nd pandemic birthday made me think I generally celebrate my birthday like I am in a pandemic, haha.

Anyway, my sisters and I were texting awhile ago about getting together. 
And I about for my 50th? 
So this is what happened!
I flew into Phoenix.
Where we got lunch, visited, I spent time with my nephews and niece, had dinner with my Mom and spent time with her as well...but I only took this picture of a mural downtown, haha.
Marcie planned our drive that detoured through Sedona to Las Vegas. 
Vegas was the place to gather was insanely full of people.
It's like everyone was released from a pandemic prison.
I wore my mask tight, haha.

Chapel of the Holy Cross
fascinating catholic church built into the landscape of Sedona

pretty courtyard in Sedona

Sitting in one of the vortexes in Sedona.
All I am going to say is that Marcie got totally dizzy and nauseous.
I felt buzzing in my head.
People from all around the world enter these places for spiritual reasons.
I found it all interesting but left with a headache! 

And then I splurged and got a room at the Bellagio Resort :)
Viva Las Vegas!

Heading out Friday night after a dinner at the Fixe restaurant, we watched the fountains and maneuvered through the revelry on the strip.
The fountains were so cool, Michael Jackson's Billie Jean was perfection:)
My 13 year old self was in heaven.

Bellagio Atrium gardens :)

The next morning we all met up at Mon Ami cafe across the street :)
 Happy reunion!
My sisters and I have never had a girls weekend we had 24 hours together.

Lisa decorated the table with  parisienne touches and made our brunch special :)

the waiter brought me a surprise cream puff
tres magnifique!

And then they made me wear a sash. 
I kept forgetting I had it on and friendly people kept saying hilarious things to me!
Break from the day in the room :)
Leslie came with me to the gallery of art in the Bellagio.
 We went to the pools was a scene to be had but it was nice to warm my body up in the sun!

Marcie got tickets for The High Rolller!
the view from the top was very cool

It was a weekend that I will never forget.
 I have beautiful sisters. 
 I am a better person because of them in my life. 
I am so grateful they took the time for me to usher in a new decade of life! 

I could write about all the things I may have learned these last 50 years...
 but I hope my daily example of trying, showing up and carrying enough faith to move forward in life will be enough. 
I love living.
I love my life and all of its imperfections.
I love being changed by life.
(Even though, while life is changing me I am uncomfortable, failing left and right and possibly irritated by the learning curves...there is something deep within that drives me to always want to be better. )
I love my relationships and all the beautiful  moments which has held them together.
I'm sure in years to come, I'll forget.
I'll forget so much.
But I hope I will remember my feelings :)
is that possible?
Viva la 50!



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