When my brother Marty came to visit with Diane, he repeatedly gushed over the beauty that surrounded me and kept saying "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE THIS?!?" then he quickly added, this opportunity for Clay must be amazing to leave THIS ! Diane told him to stop it :) Of all places to receive validation was in my Boden womens clothing catalog. It comes naturally for me to look forward and not back. So naturally I was like, "yes! I am doing this moving thing right!" Setting my scope out to see the horizon of our landing. But it also comes naturally for me to get completely neurotic over all the to do's :) Moving has a way of stripping all of your comforts away. But also revealing what you are made of. Which is like a self induced constructive criticism session with yourself, haha. Everytime I move I feel I have unfinished business about me or potential that wasn't fulfilled. Moving strips me of...