Our before and after photos of the Milkbarn. It is hard to believe we did this! It is hard to believe I agreed to this! There was huge a amount of rocks everywhere. And water features. And spiders. And trespassing raccoons. And giant, howling windstorms. And cute deer. And fun picnics. And so many memories. To the left was our bedroom, it really did have creepy stains on the carpet and the SMALLEST bathroom ever. Think airplane bathroom size with Chris Farley getting stuck in it. haha the beloved alpine lake mural Former kitchen turned ninja room the boys room was really gross with cracks in the ceiling and dry wall...it looked like the monster coming out of the wall in Stranger Things...holy shnikeys The girls room was done second to the bathroom the ultimate shot of clay riding a machine in our future master bedroom why didn't we keep the mural? ( so many murals) That bench swing still survives under our tree just ou...