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Milkbarn Valentine |
23 days until Spring!
Clay put Saint Peter Rabbit out this winter in the front...
he is a friendly little welcomer out here :)
sometimes I wonder what the real bunnies think of him :)
Our winter has been light this year which made us worry since we are on a well for our water.
Then mid February rolled around and decided it was time for winter!
Early one morning after seminary there was FOG.
For a second it felt like San Francisco except much, much colder and no dew anywhere.
So not really like SF at all.
Plus, it smelled like farm animals :)
He loves chopping wood for our heating needs
We had a day where it was 65! So I got out and took photos of spring and summer projects we'd like to get going!
Like, cleaning up messes
finishing the front patio
That cement mixer has been there for 3 years :(
We are going to do a family project putting down the pavers for a back patio. I'm excited to get a patio in the back and perhaps get some seating out there to do some outdoor living!
We want to level these sheds that are an eye sore from our back windows
And rebuild this shed for lots of storage needs that we have
one more view for where the back patio will be,
can't wait til spring!
Winter is for making plans around here so we have been busy with basic life goings on...here are some of them:
It snowed yet again and Clay taught Audrey how to shovel the driveway.
She is such a good worker and if there is any chance a Dr. Pepper is involved...she will do anything.
on the side the kids have rocked some Sunday baking
the annual valentines bundt cake I make💕
How was your valentines?
Chester is basically spoiled with attention
Clay surprised me with fabric from Britex!
He perfected my valentines ten times over.
Audrey turning 12!
February starts with her birthday making it far more exciting than January!
Knowing how much she loves In and Out...he put a hat on for her and pretended to give her a double double :)
And then there is basketball.
There are at least 3 games a week and multiple practices between 3 kids.
I don't complain, I love the game and learning more as it goes on.
Lucy needs some pads for herself, some practices are brutal
Here is another side to her that most people don't see :)
trying to be better at family scripture study...trying!
cub scout excursions for the win, I love cub scouts
I've been making some clothing in my down time which has been huge for me. It has been about 15 years since I could carve out time for projects like this!
Lately, my mind is mainly trying to take on each day at a time as the years of teenagers have given us some challenges (and triumphs). But as I look at this photo taken while tooling around town with Clay, I realized you just need things to look forward to in life.
I look forward to our spring projects. Yay! Can we get this Milkbarn painted or what?
I am SO looking forward to spring break(who isn't?!?)
I look forward to the growth of my children and what they choose to do and learn.
I look forward to walking the path with them, especially as it gets harder to navigate(already happening people!)
Also, it's good to have something to look forward too that excites you. A book, exercise, cooking, hiking, whatever...plan something that excites you. This seems to be working for me right now.
Look forward and look up.
That's what I keep telling myself anyways :)
Happy 23 days to spring!
(see? looking forward ⇈right here)
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