Our well (yes! we have a water well) is housed in this very very old, falling apart, miniature golf styled, haunted hut right in front of the Milkbarn. (one of a number of eyesores on the property) The Milkbarn exterior needs quite a bit of work. Understatement of the year. We will fix that soon enough come spring...or summer... heaven willing! Clay and I woke up early a couple of weeks ago. It was his first business trip for his new job(our new normal now) so I wanted to actually send him off awake! Of course, we woke up to no water. Talk about stress! After checking on the well, Clay diagnosed the problem. The pump had burned up and the plumbing rattled loose. We had no water. Again. (our normal) Here is the still life of the broken parts. Clay headed to Lowes and purchased a new water tank, pump and everything else needed at 6am. He got on a later flight which was, in my mind, a tender me...