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Showing posts from August, 2017

California Summer Trip

C A L I F O R N I A !!! The last time I took the kids to California was when their cousin Mackenzie got married 4 years ago,  so it was way overdue to go see Grandpa and Grandma, the ocean, old friends, cousins, off we went After stopping in Vegas to spend the night with Lisa and La'a,  we headed south but stopped in Victorville for a much needed lunch and break from some crazy construction traffic First stop, El Porto Beach! When we lived in El Segundo, this was our go to beach. So many memories made there and more to be made on this trip! Second stop was The Powder Room where Carly, our former babysitter is a stylist.  She is so talented at such a young age! And her mom, my wonderful friend Charmaine was there to greet us, I almost cried. When we left 6 years ago, she packed me with flip flops so I wouldn't forget that I am a California girl at heart She chopped off and weeded out the girls hair.  They l...

Trekking through July

July 4th is always fun around here at the Milkbarn! We had a late afternoon picnic.  It is the one day during summer I will go all out and make too much food. Good food at that. Clay gets the smoker crackin' too.  We had friends and our ward missionaries and a LOT of water balloons :) obviously...not photos though! Later in the week Audrey chose her summer field trip to Boulder Rez They swam out to the docks and played.  It was so hot, so so SO hot, it was about 101 that day...  so a good day to be in the water.  We headed to Glacier Ice Cream afterwards :) she was happy as always at the water I miss them during the school year so I take them everywhere...sometimes it pays off to go out with Mom :) spending her babysitting $ our last field trip was Henry's choosing and what else would you expect an almost 13 year old to want to do? They jumped for 2 hours straight and were dripping sweat when all was said...